Emraan Hashmi himself confirmed the film recently saying, 'Yes we're on. The third part will be directed by Mohit. And I'll play the lead. The rest of the details are yet to be decided. The cast of the second 'Raaz' film was totally new. And I think I'm going to be the only actor common to 'Raaz' 2 and 3."
A little surprising as Emraan Hashmi was the one actor who was kind of left out of the publicity of the film since his co-stars Kangana Ranaut and Adhyayan Suman are a real life couple, but then again Emraan Hashmi is a Bhatt camp staple. Emraan Hashmi doesn't feel too left out though, as he admits he may have a small fan base, but they still cheer when he appears on the screen in the film.
Now with two hits under his belt, 'Jannat' and 'Raaz 2,' Emraan feels confident enough to start a family with his wife of two years. 'We're trying for a baby and we should be parents by next year. One is never prepared for fatherhood. And if I wait to be fully prepared it will never happen. But I'm getting into the mindset now.' Aww... how sweet!
Back to the 'Raaz' sequels though, what do you think about a third 'Raaz'? Is it a good idea or should they leave it at number 2? Drop us a comment with your thoughts!
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